Appex 07

STA 112 - Spring 2024

Part 1

  1. Go to
  2. This shows a scatter plot of 10 data points with a line estimating the relationship between x and y. Drag the blue points to change the line.
  3. See if you can find a line that minimizes the sum of square errors

Part 2

  1. Create a new project from this template in RStudio Pro:
  1. Load the packages and data by running the top chunk of R code
  2. Learn about the PorschePrice data by running ?PorschePrice in your Console
  3. Fit a linear model predicting Price from Mileage
  4. Add a variable called y_hat to the PorschePrice dataset with the predicted y values
  5. Add a variable called residual to the PorschePrice dataset with the residuals