Appex 06

STA 112 - Spring 2024

Part 1

  1. Calculate the difference in means between your two groups using the worksheet from last class
  2. Create a new project from this template in RStudio Pro:
  1. Fill in your data values for the circle and square beads
  2. Fit the model of frequency_score and group in your data
  3. Calculate a confidence interval for the estimate \(\hat\beta_1\)
  4. Interpret this value

Part 2

  1. Open appex-06.qmd
  2. Examine the summary of the model of frequency_score and group with your data
  3. Test the null hypothesis that there is no relationship between frequency score and group
  4. What is the p-value? What is the result of your hypothesis test?
  5. Turn this in on Canvas